A Celebration

Last week we accomplished a significant achievement — we fought city hall and won.

The details are silly, but suffice to say that once we explained our unique situation to the building inspection appeal board, and showed them how we crafted our lease to accomodate the layout of the building, they saw that they could easily grant a waiver.

In celebration of this feat, we’re having a sale: FREE DELIVERY of any chocolate order over $30, within 10 miles of the shop at 2837 Cherokee. So between now and Wednesday, August 27, check out our newly redesigned website at www.kakaochocolate.com, contact us at orders@kakaochocolate.com or 314.489.5617 and we’ll set you up with some chocolate, delivered to your home or office free.

By the way, I’ve got a limited amount of a new banana-rum truffle, topped with a sliver of dried organic banana. I’m sure they won’t last long, so let me know if you’d like some in your order.


6 Responses to “A Celebration”

  1. YAY!!!! In this case, you CAN fight City Hall – congratulations!

    The website looks really great, by the way.

  2. Only 10 miles? Why not to Philly?

  3. Congrats! Sounds like things are all falling into place. And I can vouch for the Banana Rum Truffles. Mmmmmmm.

  4. Yahoo, you beat city hall. That is great!! I am still drooling over the brownies I had a couple of weeks ago.

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